

教师 Emeritus

教师 Emeritus

In 2024, 爱德华。格林 retired from Manhattan School of Music after 40 years in which he taught a wide range of courses in music history, jazz composition, 人种音乐学, 和 the humanities.

He received his PhD from New York University with a musicological thesis on the late vocal music of Haydn 和 Mozart. 在作文, he is largely self-taught; in the field of aesthetics his most important teacher was the renowned philosopher Eli Siegel, founder of Aesthetic Realism. 是博士. Green’s honor to study with him from 1974-1978.

With publications on subjects as diverse as the medieval troubadour Marcabru; Beethoven 和 “elliptical tonality;” the Broadway musical 南太平洋; the philosophic implications of the music criticism of Sir Donald Tovey; 和 the works of such contemporary figures as Zhou Long, 哈利Partch, 罗伯特•辛普森, 约翰·列侬, 和 Giacinto Scelsi, 爱德华。格林 is a musicologist who is recognized for the depth 和 richness of his thought about music. A sign of this was receiving in 2011 the signal honor of being named a Senior Specialist in American Music by the Fulbright Foundation, an honor renewed in 2017.

As a guest lecturer in musicology, Dr. Green has done scholarly residencies at many notable academic institutions here 和 abroad, including in Buenos Aires (at the Pontifical University of Argentina), Zagreb (the Academy of Music), 和 Melbourne (Monash University). 的编辑 China 和 the West: The Birth of a New Music (Shanghai Conservatory Press) 和 The Cambridge Companion to Duke Ellington, he has also guest edited 和 contributed to special numbers of the Journal of Musicological Research  (on Haydn) 和 the Journal of Popular Music History (on Bernard Herrmann).

爱德华。格林’s own music is available on several labels, including Albany Records (Concerto in C for Trumpet 和 Orchestra), Arizona University Recordings (Concerto for Alto Saxophone 和 Strings), 和 North/South Consonance Records (Concertino for Piano 和 Chamber Orchestra). Among his compositional honors are first prize in the International Kodály Composers Competition for his Brass Quintet, 和 a Delius award for his Genesis Variations 吉他独奏. In 2017 the Orquesta del Congreso Nacional in Paraguay awarded him the Carlos Lara Bareiro Prize for Instrumental Symphonic Composition for his Symphony in C. Recent commissions include his Symphony in E-flat for Wind Ensemble (a consortium of several leading American university b和s). In 2023 it received its Australian premiere with the Heidelberg Winds under the direction of Stephen Carpenter.

Active also in the worlds of theater 和 film, Dr. Green is staff composer for the Aesthetic Realism Theater Company as well as for Imagery Films, whose director is the Emmy award-winning filmmaker Ken Kimmelman. He is likewise an active accompanist, including for flutist Barbara Allen, 和 for soprano Carrie Wilson, 他的妻子是谁?. Ms. 威尔逊博士. Green have performed in France, Argentina, Engl和, as well as many venues in the United States.



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